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Case Studies / Promo app

Promo app

Turn-key renovation of an advertising mobile app for iOS and Android platforms and creation of a functional administration panel to ease the process of organizing successful promotional actions.

  • Custom software development
  • 2020
  • Industry: Productivity, Entertainment
Promo app

Initial Task


A Saudi Arabia’s leading beverage producer requested to renovate an advertising mobile app for iOS and Android platforms.

Touchlane team was responsible for the full cycle of development, including backend rework and migration to a realtime database, Mapbox integration (hotspots, clusters, interactive search and more), barcode scanning, modern UI integration and creation of the web administration panel.

The Client needed the advertising mobile application example to run monthly promo among its customers. The users were supposed to compete with each other by purchasing the Client’s production, scanning juice packages in designated Client’s hotspots, and collecting points in order to get valuable prizes.

Technology stack


Mapbox Scandit SDK Firebase Kotlin Swift


Mapbox Hazelcast Angular Docker Google Cloud Java 14



The Firebase Operational Limitations

Since the Client requested that all processes will be based on the Realtime Database which is quite slow and expensive in operation, our developers were to come up with a solution to optimize the operation velocity as well as make the system more cost-efficient.


Integration with Mapbox

Our full-stack engineers were to set up a high-performance integration, meeting all Mapbox regulations. The integration would provide the opportunity to put the app’s hotspots on the map and track the observance of the promotion terms. Plus, detailed hotspots clusterization and interactive location search were also to be implemented.


Integration with Tetrapak

Provided that Tetrapak prints all the barcodes on juice packages and stores the information about the barcodes in their database, Touchlane specialists also needed to set up the automatic search of the barcodes scanned by the app to provide its accurate functionality.



Discovery, Tech Consultancy and Team Formation

The project required a complex and well-coordinated approach. First, our Touchlane team crafted a manifold strategy for the complete app’s renovation, including a new design concept, a more functional architecture for services, implementation of new features, and development of the admin panel from scratch.


Backend. Part 1

The development process began from the Mapbox integration. This feature allows the Client to adjust the needed geographical area as well as the number and location of the app’s hotspots on the map using admin panel. In their turn, app users can see what spot to reach to scan a barcode and earn a certain number of points. Moreover, administrators can change the number of points assigned to one or another hotspot to make the competition even more exciting.


Backend. Part 2

Then the development team proceeded to the integration with the in-memory platform Hazelcast. By means of this integration, we solved the problem of slow information flow to the end-user as this feature let us make only 1 request to the Realtime Database and save all the needed app hotspots in the distributed cache on the backend side. As a result, users can receive the data right from the cache without making any additional requests.


Backend. Part 3

Upon integration with the in-memory platform Hazelcast, elaborated by our experts, we helped the Client to avoid excessive costs. Since the Firebase provides a “payment per data transfer” pricing policy, the implementation of the distributed cache solution has already ensured saving 4.000 USD per month at the initial stage and, as the number of app users will grow, it will help to cut even more costs in the future.


Backend. Part 4

Integration with Okta was implemented. This service helped to provide fast and secure authorization for the administration panel.


Backend. Part 5

The next step was the integration of the Tetrapak API with Firebase Database to solve the issue with the barcode function and help to track the barcodes scanned via the mobile app. This complex process required a detailed negotiation process with Tetrapak during which our engineers managed to meet all security standards and ensure flawless operation between Tetrapak API and the app’s API.


Mobile. Part 1

Alongside the implementation of the backend features, our iOS and Android engineers proceeded to the fundamental renovation of UI and implementation of the bunch of new features capable to enhance user experience. Thus, on this stage, the language switch, notifications, and redesigned user profiles illustrating their rating in the competition were efficiently added. Plus, both apps were adapted for the recently developed backend elements.


Mobile. Part 2

Further integration with Mapbox provided correct map navigation while Scandit SDK integration helped to perform barcode scanning for both, iOS and Android platforms.


Mobile. Part 3

Once all the backend preparations had been completed, client moderation finally became available as both mobile apps could interact with the admin panel via the backend.


Successful Launch

Upon implementation of all planned features and proper testing there was a final release which was the point where the app got its ultimate appearance.

Overall Result

The customer’s mobile app was successfully released for iOS and Android and accurately integrated with the user-friendly administration panel.

Our advertising mobile app developers managed to implement a vast stack of technologies, optimize the operational flow more than 10 times, delivered signature end products as well as helped the Client to significantly cut on expenses.

The service is intended to engage customers to take part in advertising promos, thus boosting the Client’s brand awareness and product sales.

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