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Custom software development

Touchlane offers turn-key custom software development services to build custom native and cross-platform mobile apps principally tailored to your needs and covering any number of commercial domains.

Our matured and team-focused software developers keep abreast of the latest trends and combine that comprehension with experience to make sure that our software development company offers first-class custom mobile app development services, streamlines the complete process, and stays with you along the way, from the inception to delivery of a finished product that perfectly meets your needs.

Project Development Process

We walk you through all stages from the blueprints of your design to a successful launch, transforming the visualization of the very idea you’ve been creating into a digital reality, just the way you’ve envisioned it.

Covered by the Client


The only thing our customers need to start the project with Touchlane is to have an idea. Once you have a clear vision of WHAT needs to be created, share it with our professionals and we will cover all the HOWs.


A preliminary opening meeting where we get to know you and talk through your idea and all business requirements that will help to lay out a well-defined project scope. We sign an NDA to protect your ideas and keep your intellectual property shielded at all times.

Tech Requirements
& Estimation

Based on the gathered information, our software development team comes up with a general vision of a custom solution including break-down of the budget and timeline to reach your specific goals and meet all expectations. To fix our alignment we sign an official contract, protecting all Client’s interests and making sure that the Client personally owns the IP and the Product.

UI/UX Design

We will be happy to work with your designs if you have ones. Otherwise, the next step in the custom application development is for our software development team to properly wireframe your application. Following your vision our UX/UI designer builds the detailed interaction between various design elements, the overall look and feel of your customer journey within the app to create a delightful and seamless end-user experience.


Upon agreeing on the look and feel, our software developers move on to the most fundamental stage, an actual development phase. At this project development stage not only a thorough prototype is created, but also the core functionalities are acutely implemented.


We test the functionality of the application all throughout the process, assuring that the deployed projects are unblemished and without fault. Targeted tests are also made to ensure the application stays compliant with security and compatibility specifications.


Once quality status is thoroughly checked, the relevant environment is to be prepared and the project is ready to be assembled and delivered. We always make sure that our apps work precisely the way they are expected by you, in all respects.

and Updates

We are on your side from start to finish. Once the project accomplishes a desired goal and is successfully launched, our software development company stays with you to assist with its day-to-day maintenance and updates as necessary.
Project Development Process

Our Approach

To ensure the uninterrupted and most desirable customer journey along with effortless and efficient communication flow, our highly skilled Engineering Managers direct the continuous app development process.

Our Engineering Managers possess both business and tech acumen, serving as the client’s single point of contact. They bridge the gap between business and tech as well as make sure that all issues are resolved in a timely manner and their team always rises to your expectations, often underpromising and overdelivering.

Our Approach




No matter your niche and business focus, we will lend a helping hand and build bespoke mobile apps for your business. Choose our development agency for designing apps in any line of business.

Engagement Models

We are adjusting to our clients' needs by utilizing two distinct engagement models that empower our clients to select one that truly addresses their project peculiarities.

Fixed Price

Fixed Price

The fixed-bid agreement crystalizes the scope of work and the amount of effort required to provide a best-in-class software development solution. Accurate estimates govern the price which cannot be altered once the project kicks off. This pricing model is an ideal fit for small to medium-sized projects that have clear set of prerequisites and requirements aligned with a quick timeline and rigorous deadlines.
Time & Materials

Time & Materials

Under this payment structure our clients pay only for the exact hours of work required to finish a given project as well as for all of the related materials and resources. This model of cooperation fits projects with dynamic requirements with a high level of fluidity in business requirements and market adaptability.

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