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Case Studies / Racefully


User-friendly social fitness tracker supporting different activity types and containing a bunch of multiple features successfully implemented with the help of our experienced iOS team with the help of our staff augmentation service.

  • Staff Augmentation Service
  • 2016 – 2019
  • Industry: Health and Fitness, Social Networking

Initial Task


The Client was searching for experienced iOS developers to reinforce the existing development team in order to transform a prototype app into a fully-featured social fitness tracker supporting multiple functions like:

  • Running scheduling
  • Creation of running communities
  • Fitness statistics illustration
  • Integration with other platforms, etc.

Technology stack


Firebase Google Maps SDK Core Location AWS Objective-C



The main task delegated to our iOS developers was to build the core app’s functionality providing users with the possibility to join live running sessions.


Afterwards we turned to developing a networking layer by providing the users with an opportunity to  create their sports communities and track their performance in any kind of activity.


Once the Racefully app was launched in production, the team kept on performing the post-release support and maintenance, adding new features and improving user experience.


As soon as the project gained sufficient users acknowledgement, the team has helped with setting up a monetization scheme via in-app purchases.


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  • Integration with a bunch of external resources

    Our team was puzzled to implement veracious integrations with external resources and make them work as a monolete system:
    - Google Firebase (live running synchronization),
    - Amazon Cognito (users authorization),
    - Amazon DynamoDB (social part: users, communities),
    - Twilio (VoIP telephony ),
    - QuickBlox (chats),
    - Apple Health (fitness activities exchange),
    - Facebook and other services.

  • Integration with partner apps

    Besides integration with external resources Racefully was required to be integrated with partner projects:
    - RunningHeroes,
    - TrainAsOne.

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  • Algorithm for tracking sport activities

    Our team was challenged to come up with non-trivial calculations and algorithms for analyzing users' sport activities:
    - running auto-pause feature (done by analyzing accelerometer data),
    - calculation of calories/intensity for different sports,
    - auto-detection of individual slopes for downhill skiing and snowboarding,
    - achievement system, etc.

  • Sophisticated Social layer

    As the app was aimed to provide quite diverse social activities, our engineers were to be creative when working on the relevant functionality and provide users with options:
    - to add friends,
    - chat with them,
    - join communities of interest,
    - appear on community leaderboards,
    - schedule joint activities in advance using the application, etc.

Overall Result

Creating your own fitness app! The participation of Touchlane developers in such a challenging yet interesting project allowed to bring to life the Racefully app. Being available in Apple’s App Store, Racefully continues assisting people around the world in their sports routine.

According to the user reviews, people especially appreciate the function of sharing their experience and results with their friends remotely as well as highlight the strike of motivation while using the custom fitness tracker mobile app developed by our company. Create or build a fitness tracker app.

Task summary


Fully-Featured App

The prototype app has turned in a fully-featured fitness tracker app builded in a shortest period possible and within the customer’s budgetary expectations


Non-Trivial Approach

Our team has successfully implemented a lot of features which are untypical for such kind of apps and which have served as a basis for the project’s success


Partnership Integrations

Successful implementation of partnership integrations with other sports projects (RunningHeroes, TrainAsOne)

Client Review

Chris Pointon

Chris Pointon




The Touchlane developers have been excellent at taking visual concepts and making them a positive part of the app.

With an agile approach and focus on productivity, Touchlane developers worked with a designer to create excellent UI and UX features. They have provided support over the past two years, easily scaling up and down as needed.

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